
Posts Tagged ‘Norway’

One of the daily blogging prompts for January from WordPress is to list three countries I’d like to visit and why.  I’m going to say where I’d like to live, because we’d like to repeat what we did in Thailand.

Norway (or other Scandinavian country).

As Kent said, “mountains, fjords, and not a lot of developed land” — what other reasons do you need? Oh, and he’s mostly Danish and Norwegian.

Greece (or Italy).

Well, it’s gorgeous and the food is delicious!  And see above for the mountains and water part. 🙂

New Zealand.

See above for mountains and water comments — ever since we saw LOTR, we’ve been wanting to go to NZ — and very jealous of our two friends who got to live there these last two years!  Plus, if I go live in a country with that many sheep, I’m almost certain to be able to learn how to knit, right??

Honestly, it was hard to pick just three — between Kent and me, we pretty much want to visit or live in most of the globe. 🙂  It’s hard to work up much enthusiasm for Antarctica in the middle of a Minnesota winter, but come summer, we might be persuaded. 🙂


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Jul, Jul

I know this should be a post from my pen, but I’m in the throes of five papers (two done already last night) to be turned in tonight.  So instead of what I was going to post, here is a lovely Norwegian carol I’ll be singing with friends this Christmas day.

Jul, jul, strålande jul, glans över vita skogar.
Christmas, Christmas, shining Christmas, light above white forests.
Himmelens kronor, med gnistrande ljus.
Crowns of heavean with glistening lights.
Glimmande bågar i alla guds hus.
Glowing bows in the houses of God.
Psalm som är sjungen från tid till tid.
Hymn that is sung from time to time.
Eviga längtan till ljus och frid.
Eternal desire of light and peace.
Jul, jul, strålande jul, glans över vita skogar.
Christmas, Christmas, shining Christmas, light above white forests.
Kom, kom, signade jul, sänk dina vita vingar.
Come, come, sacred Christmas, lower your white wings.
Över stridernas blod och larm.
Above the blood and sounds of war.
Över alla suckan ur människobarm.
Over the sighs from humans.
Över de släkten som gå till ro.
Over the families who go to peace.
Över de ungas vars dagar nu gro.
Over the young whose days go past.
Kom, kom, signade jul, sänk dina vita vingar.
Come, come, sacred Christmas, lower your white wings.

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