
Posts Tagged ‘John 3:16’


On Tax Day, I’m sure many of us are bemoaning life.  Whether we have to pay or not, tax day is an annoying task that seems to come around much more often than once a year.  Given that, I thought a little perspective might be in order…for me (you all do what you want).

relative sizes of the smaller planets

relative sizes of all planets in the solar system

relative sizes of planets compared to sun

relative size of sun compared to other nearby stars

relative sizes of previous stars with larger ones

view of part of the universe from Hubble

zoom shot of one of the "dark" areas from previous photo

It kind of puts other problems in perspective, doesn’t it?  And the best part?  Now that we’re properly humbled, here’s the clincher:

relative importance of me to God

Now, if only I could get the IRS to decide my taxes weren’t that important…

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